Welcome to the Derbyshire District Association (DA) website, part of the Camping and Caravanning Club. This website contains all of the information you need to understand what the DA does, how it's run and how you can “get involved”.
The DA’s primary purpose is to serve its members. It provides a friendly, sociable, cost effective means to camping. The DA organises lots of “Meets” and Temporary Holiday Sites (THS) throughout the year to bring people together in the form of camping. Have a look through the 2022 sites list and check out what fun the DA has in store.
The Camping and Caravanning Club is broken down into 13 Regions and Special Interest Sections, and within each region are District Associations, usually organised by county. Derbyshire DA is a District Association within the North Central Region. Its governed by its own committee under the club's legislation most commonly referred to as “Green Papers”. Members are automatically added to a District Association by default using their registered address postcode. This can be clearly identified on your membership card.
To belong to the same DA as family or friends it’s easy to change or ‘opt’ to a different DA. The only benefit to being in the same DA is that you are eligible to join the committee. Simply contact the Secretary of the District Association you would like to move to and they will send you an Opting Form to complete and return to them together with your Membership Cards. Any member of the club can attend any DA meet, regardless of the DA name.
This DA is genuinely a family friendly club. We have children of all ages join in with our meets. There is always fun and games of some sort going on. Look out for meets with halls or themed as they’ll almost always have something specific planned.